We are a generation of convenience. Yet with all that convenience we still manage to be a generation with little time. We like our food fast, our gyms open 24-hours, our banks void of tellers. And we definitely like a website that gains a lot of traffic with as much ease and convenience as we can swing. Lucky for you, and in honor of this year being Leap Year (Happy Birthday February 29-ers), here are…
29 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Site Without Even Trying
Flap Your Gums
Yes, you read that right. Flap them well and flap them often. In other words, tell people about your website. Talk it up and get them interested! Talk about what you’re doing and why. Tell them how they can be a part of what you’re doing, or what you can do for them.
Social Media
The avenues are endless: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, even Linked-In, and the list could go on. These are all free resources you can use to promote your site and connect with other professionals in your industry. Do it! It’s easy and it’s free!
Make a video
Let’s face it. We all wonder what it’s like to be you-tube famous. (Ok, maybe that’s just me.) Here’s your shot! Demo your product, share your vision, keep us in the loop! I can almost bet you’ll see an increase in traffic to your site. Curiosity always gets the best of us.
Research Competition
There’s a lot you can learn from your competition: how not to fail, and, adversely, how to succeed. What’s getting your competition noticed? What are they doing, talking about, succeeding at? Absorb and utilize this information to gain some edge.
Haven’t made it to the top of the search pages yet? Don’t worry. With a few dollars, or with a stack of them (whatever amount you choose) you can advertise your site right at the top of search results pages. You only pay per click (PPC) and it drives traffic instantly.
Guest Blogging
Let others do the work for you. Feature respected experts who have a solid following within your industry. You can leverage their expertise and following to gain some traction to your site. Not to mention these are good relationships to build anyway!
Be a Guest Blogger
Unless you’re a dud, you’ve got some opinions and ideas about your industry. You’ve probably been through the trials and triumphs too. Tell us what works and what doesn’t. We want to hear it! Get your thoughts and your name out there, simultaneously.
Brand Ambassador
Research, identify and connect with a influential person in your industry or who at least talks about your industry all the time and is heard. It could be a vlogger, a celebrity, daredevil – basically anyone who is well-known for something. They already have a hold on who you want. By joining forces with someone your customers love following, you will help drive traffic to your website by having them link to, talk about and recommend your services or product.
Email Marketing
Marketing service providers such as MailChimp allow you to set it and forget it. Do all your work up front—write your emails, follow ups, promotions, etc.—and then set your schedule and boom! Your emails are delivered on-time, every time. Gingko what?!
Responsive Website
The last thing you want is to turn your visitors off after you finally get them to your site. Make sure it’s responsive so no matter what your site is accessed from, it goes without a hitch. Shoeless Joe said it best, “If you build it, they will come.” We agree!
Community Building/Forums
Create a forum or join one, either way get the conversation going! Forums usually consist of people with the same interests, passions or careers, so you should feel right at home. Be present and active and you’ll draw some attention.
Contribute to the Conversation
Stay relevant and in the loop by commenting on industry relevant blogs and articles. Show your interest and flex your expertise by contributing to the conversation and engaging with the online community.
Nothing gains attention like “free” does. And the only thing in close second are discounts, sales and promotions. Don’t cheapen your brand, but use this to your advantage. Create “online only” offers to gain some traffic. This not only gets people excited, but it gets people talking.
Social Media Scheduling Software
There is a science behind social media posting, but don’t fret. Software like Buffer and Hootsuite allow you to schedule posts by letting you choose the date, time and social network while the software does the posting for you. So easy you can do it in your sleep! Literally.
Eye-catching Headlines/Content
Eye-catching content captures eye’s and clicks. What do people in your industry like to read, learn, and be informed about? The only thing I’ve ever learned from the tabloids is that one headline doesn’t stay relevant forever. So plan on this being an ongoing project.
Email Signature
Your signature should give your clientele all your basic contact information, at least. Why not add a link to your website and other social media profiles? It’s the easiest way to get them to click through, especially if you’re already in conversation with them!
Easiest way to do this? Have your friends throw your link up on their sites and social media profiles. If you’ve got people who believe in what you’re doing, let them show it by endorsing you. A little love can go a long way.
You schmooze, you definitely don’t lose. Get out there and have fun! Get involved in the local fundraiser, rub shoulders with city leaders, go ham in the 13-mile mud-run at the end of the month. Maybe you’ll gain some comradery… and some traffic!
Form Partnerships
“Stop, collaborate and listen!” Collaborations are a great way to bring in new traffic. Collaborations and partnerships give you the opportunity to present your brand, your work, your name to a new demographic and will peak both interest in, and traffic to, your site.
Answer Questions
If you know your line of work creates questions, your response should be to create answers! Give people a one-stop-shop to getting their inquisitive needs met on site. Or create a profile on Yahoo Answers or Quora! Plain and simple, show your expertise and people will come to you.
Incorporate images, photos, graphics, infographics
Well-written content is great, and necessary! But visual content produces higher engagement, more shares, and is typically better-remembered. Pair your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques with quality visuals and you’ll widen your net.
Write a “best blogs” post featuring the best blogs or bloggers in your industry
One article could pack the punch of 10 blogs if you let it. By creating a blog post that features some of the best bloggers and blogs in your industry you’ll create a hub of information that features a variety of sources and appeals to just as many visitors. #SharingIsCaring
Ask for referrals
People need what you provide, otherwise you wouldn’t be doing what you do. So, go for it! Ask your friends, family, neighbors, baby’s mama’s mama, whoever you can think of! Ask if they know of someone who could use your services, even if they can’t!
Sponsor a local athlete, your kid’s little league team, or a publication. By sponsoring someone or something, they usually thank you by repping your logo or brand, or showing you love on social media—all of which will drive valuable traffic.
One acronym. SEO. Search Engine Optimization utilizes keywords to match a browser inquiry to your site content. Effective use of keywords will continue to bring in traffic but requires periodic updating since terms and vocabulary tend to change.
Include URL on your printed materials
Duh. The whole point of your printed materials is to market and brand yourself best! Printed materials should always include the vitals such as website, email, phone number, and any other pertinent contact information.
Market Humbly
There is something to be said about humility. You can be both confident and humble by knowing what you bring to the table and yet focusing on what others want and need. Listen to people’s interests and respond. Let them know they’re heard and valued.
Keep a close eye on your analytics. They offer invaluable information by informing you where traffic is coming from, when it’s leaving and essentially providing a map of where to improve your site to retain and convert visitors.
Local Citation Sites
Citation sites don’t link to your website, but that’s ok. What’s so important is not the link, but the mention. Search engines (like Google) will rank a website higher if they have a large number of citations. The higher your site ranks the better your chances at increasing traffic!
There you have it. We know there is no one-size-fits-all, and use of the slogan should be punishable by a day in a skinny girl tank top. But with a variety of techniques, you can gain traffic and get your site the attention it deserves. Let us know what works best for you, we’d love to hear your thoughts!